The beginning of the year is a demanding period for project coordinators and the faculty’s administrative staff, as they focus on preparing and submitting interim and final reports for national projects funded by public resources. During this time of year, when the HR, project, and finance departments are closing the accounting for the entire year while project coordinators also need to navigate the exam period, it truly becomes a challenge for everyone involved.
During January and early February 2025, a total of 21 interim reports were prepared and submitted for projects funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR), including standard projects, Lead Agency grants, and the EXPRO project. Additionally, 11 final reports were submitted for standard projects that concluded in 2024. The evaluation of completed GA ČR projects typically takes place one year after their conclusion. Most project coordinators chose to take advantage of the option to postpone the evaluation by an additional six months to give them more time for completing their planned publications. The EXPRO project team, led by Prof. Šmahel, prepared a final expert report summarizing the results of this outstanding research one year after its completion.
Additionally, 7 interim reports and 1 final report were prepared for applied research projects funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR). An interim report before the final year of implementation was submitted for a project supported under the IMPAKT 1 program of the Ministry of the Interior. For the first time, reports were also prepared for projects funded by programs from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT), including Large Research Infrastructures and Mobility.
Finally, there was also the monitoring report for the OP JAK DigiWell project, which on its own was as demanding as ten other reports.
We sincerely thank all project coordinators and our colleagues from the finance department for their excellent collaboration and the smooth finalization of all of the project reports.
The Office for Research and Project Support