Series about the People of FSS

We bring you another part of the column introducing colleagues from various departments of the faculty. In each issue, you can look forward to the same seven questions for one person. This time we interviewed Míša Nespěchalová, the new international relations assistant. 

29 May 2023

Míša Nespěchalová

“I am responsible for the promotion of FSS in the world, mainly programs taught in English. I am assisted by a team of ambassadors, of whom I am also in charge. Together with them, I take care of the communication with our international students (the newsletter, events, etc.) I also manage the English website and come up with content on social media. To a lesser extent, I am also involved in data analysis for the time being - it will be our springboard for further activities. Since I've only been here for a short time, the content of my work will eventually expand to other activities, which I'm looking forward to as it will bring even more variety.”

Míša Nespěchalová

What does your ideal morning look like?
Waking up full of energy to a quiet morning, when the kids are still asleep and I can turn on my favorite music and make some tea at a slower pace. Since this is an ideal morning, which in reality doesn't usually turn out this way, I would also be able to do some exercise and get ready for the upcoming day in a really relaxed way. If I have work obligations, I'd head to work after a light breakfast and walk for a few minutes through the Spilberk Park. If it was a weekend, I would sleep in during the morning and the kids would bring me breakfast in bed. It has happened several times in reality, so I hope to have ideal mornings more often. 🙂

Can you recommend a good café or lunch place in Brno to our colleagues?
Make sure you go to the café V melounovém cukru, it's small but the service is very nice and they have fantastic desserts. There's also a café called Mezzanine a short walk from the faculty, where they have a variety of soft drinks in addition to coffee. If you're lucky, they will also have their fabulous sea salt chocolate cake. But beware of inhaling chocolate!

What has surprised you the most in the last six months?
I've been surprised lately by how many really nice people I've been meeting at the faculty. Since I've only been here for two months, I'm still meeting new colleagues. I've also been surprised at what a great team of ambassadors we have at the faculty and what broad views some of them have at their age.

What do you look forward to the most during your working day?
I most look forward to the meetings with the ambassadors when we plan joint activities. I also look forward to lunches with lovely colleagues and overall I enjoy my job a lot. I also always welcome the opportunity to go to an interesting lecture to broaden my horizons.

What's your favorite place at the faculty?
I love libraries, so it probably won't surprise anyone to hear me say that I love going to the library. I used to come here to study back when I was a student, so I'm glad we have such a nice place right in the faculty. After all these years, I've especially welcomed the addition of couches in the library. Overall it's very cozy now.

What's your most productive hour at work?
If I get a good night's sleep, it's definitely the morning until noon. I manage to read my emails in peace and get on with my tasks, which I complete during the day. It helps when I write a to-do list at work, which I can use to check off completed work and generally stay in the so-called flow. 🙂

What book have you read recently?
I've read a lot of beautiful books lately, one of which is David Michie's The Dalai Lama's Cat, which has many sequels. I would definitely recommend it as a relaxing read that is thought-provoking at the same time. I've started two books now, Power versus Strength by David R. Hawkins and then a book in English called Yoga Mind by Suzan Colón.

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