Series about the People of FSS

With the start of the new term for the dean and vice-deans, our popular column about people at the FSS has begun a new series: it's time to ask them. The first to respond to our seven questions is the Dean of the FSS, Stanislav Balík.

25 Oct 2023

dean of FSS MU for the election period 2023-2027

The dean is the head the faculty. He is appointed and recalled by the rector on the proposal of the faculty's academic senate. The dean acts and makes decisions on behalf of the university in matters concerning the faculty. The current dean of the Faculty of Social Studies is professor Stanislav Balík.

dean of FSS MU for the election period 2023-2027

What does your ideal morning look like?
I have a few in mind. It's a morning when I can sleep in and take my time, maybe even read something. Or it's a morning in Bludov, where I get up early to tend to the bees and go to the forest or the orchard. There's also the ideal morning at camp...

What book have you read lately?
I usually have several books open -- something scholarly, spiritual, or a piece of fiction. So I recently read Louis de Wohl's historical novella, Set All Afire: A Novel of St. Francis Xavier, The Order of the World: State Interests, Conflict, and the Balance of Power by Henry Kissinger, The River Beneath the Surface: Consciousness Against Time by Pavel Kolář, and How the World Really Works by Vaclav Smil.

What is your favorite place on the faculty?
I have loved all my offices, including my current one. I like the staff club, the library, the atrium, the courtyard...

What has surprised you the most in the last six months?
The energy and enthusiasm of younger Scout leaders who have taken on the renovation of the Scout clubhouse in Bludov, which we built a quarter-century ago.

What do you think is the most important thing for the FSS in the coming year?
To figure out how to use the transformation brought about by artificial intelligence in teaching, research, and administration.

Which point in the strategic plan are you most looking forward to implementing?
Thinking through the transformation of the shape of the doctoral studies programs – the disciplinary structure, common faculty-wide courses, common standards.

What would you like to see for the FSS in the next four years?
That it not lose its courage and drive to continually improve -- that it will continue to be attractive to growing numbers of applicants and be their first choice, and that its members continue conducting cutting-edge yet meaningful research that benefits society as a whole.

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