Hello!! My name Darina and initially I am from a small Siberian city in Russia – Perm, but have been living abroad for more than 6 years. Before doing my bachelor’s in Masaryk University, I have studied in the international school EMIS in Israel for 2 years. It was such a diverse in nationalities school that it made me want to continue the journey of internationalism and apply to bachelor’s degree in International Relations and European Politics in Masaryk University.
After having graduated from the program that has made me extremely interested in politics, I decided to deepen my knowledge and go to Master’s program in International Relations and European Politics. I am a real big fond of the way the program is organized. You have a certain template of interesting base subjects, but the direction of your degree you can choose yourself through a wide range of optional subjects- whether it is more to the side of international relations, economics, energy studies or European politics is only up to you.
I would definitely suggest other to apply for the program as it offers wide range of subjects that can help you fulfill your interest showing different perspectives on the topic and not only become an asset for future research or work but also captivating time spent on the lectures themselves.
As the program is widely adapted for being studied by people from various nationalities, language of instruction is not a problem once you have B2. Every subject starts with introductory lectures with all the terms needed for successful fulfillment of the course. As well as you can always ask professors during lectures to explain the term that caused confusion in different words. Not only did I learn a lot of political terminology and become much better at political topics, but in general my level of English has improved tremendously.