An educational journey from Ghana via China to Brno
As a Ghanaian student transitioning into a different culture can be stressful. But Brno is such a beautiful and diverse city that you just can’t help falling in love with it in its entirety.
So, picture this: a young boy from Ghana with this insatiable dream to explore the world and different cultures packs two bags each weighing slightly over 25 kg, and sets off from the Far East. I have been studying at Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University in Fu-Čou and on 5th September 2022 a further educational journey was made from China to the Czech Republic.
It was quite an interesting journey with a mixed feeling of anxiety and curiosity. Upon my arrival in Brno, Czech Republic though I was very tired it was easy allocating my hall of residence which is Komarov Sladkého. The hall of residence is located in a quiet residential area in the south of Komarov, the hall consists of both single, double, and triple rooms.
The next day I had to go to Masaryk University (The Faculty of Social Studies) for registration and also get other essentials like a phonecard, bank account, and transport pass. Since I was a new student and was not familiar with the city, especially on how to get to my university I needed assistance, the receptionist at my hall of residence was helpful in assisting me with directions to my faculty.
My first surprise was boarding tram number 12. Firstly, I thought I should get on a “train in the city” so I quickly checked for a train underground but I got on a train in the city known as “Tram”.
Moreover, my second surprise and shock were the composition of the university. I am used to or should I say most of the universities I have studied are concentrated at one big location within the same community. However, Masaryk University has its location scattered across the city of Brno with its faculties far apart from each other as well as its hall of residence. The entire city of Brno is known as a student city, this affirmation or accolade is due to the fact that most “everyday people” you meet turn out to be a student and the use of the English language is very rampant, which makes it easy for foreigners to communicate with most locals.
Unlike my previous city Fuzhou China, accustomed to skyscrapers, Brno, is not known for high-rise buildings and there are no or very few skyscrapers. However, the serene nature of the city accompanied by a good layout settlement makes one feel welcome. With regards to the registration and enrollment process of my study, it was very simple and straightforward as the staff at the faculty were very helpful.
My overall journey between three continents has been nothing short of a blast. it’s been in all forms challenging, inspiring, and hilarious all at once. If you’re adventure thirsty and considering studying abroad, I encourage you to take the leap, pack light and explore the world.