My favorite course
I am currently my second semester of International Relations and European Politics Degree Program. Within my degree, I have a wide range of interesting optional courses as well as compulsory courses. In all, I truly enjoy all my courses and the fact that I am always eager to attend every class highlights to me that I made the right decision on picking this degree program.
One course that I get excited when doing anything related to it is a course I am now called 'Global Politics: Current Issues'. In this course, we learn about different global issues occurring or that have occurred within our era. Although I enjoy learning about historical events from hundreds of years ago, I also earnestly enjoy learning about current issues and events in the international system, and that is why I love this course so much.
Furthermore, I think I am very fond of it because it helps me to have a deeper understanding and analysis of what is going on in the world that I am living in right now. Notably, since we discuss current affairs, I am always able to input my opinion because I am also witnessing the unfold as well. Undoubtedly, climate change, the rise in terrorism, and the rise in globalization are phenomenons that have gained more influence in today's world, so it is always pleasant to discuss the provenance of these issues, and have a better understanding and clearer picture of how they are shaping and will continue to shape our world.

Also, it is easier to study for this course if you have experienced or are observant of the impacts of rising global issues. For example, I was born in a country-Mozambique-that is vulnerable to floodings and tropical storms, and in this era, I have seen a rise in the occurrence and magnitude of the climate catastrophes in that country, such as the latest Cyclone called Idai which completely devasted the country. Thus, I don't necessarily have to ´study´ about how impactful climate change has been because I already have a good base of knowledge based on what I have gone through and observed.
Furthermore, what is also a positive aspect is that unlike a lot of my courses that focus solely on European issues, 'Global Politics: Current Issues' includes current issues from all over the world. Hence, it is always a breath of fresh air to come to class and learn about events occurring outside the European continent, because it makes me more informed and more knowledgeable about all the different things occurring in different corners of the world, which gives me a better insight on why the international system is now.