My name is Mariia Svyrydova. I came from the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. I have often thought about how to expand my knowledge in the field of public and social policies, using the experience of European countries that could be applied in Ukraine. I have had experience in studying at Novia University in Finland as an Erasmus exchange student. However, when I found information that Masaryk University has a rich master program in the field of Public and Social policies full-time, I submitted my documents without hesitation.
Why did I choose this program?
I chose this program because I wanted to expand my knowledge in a chosen way with a professional attitude. After all, it certainly opens many more doors for employment anywhere where I like. I acquired skills in technologies and methods with a new focus on preparing for my future career path and I learned how to independently design and implement system-specific measures, and coordinate their implementation. During the master's degree, I learned how to alone reflect on and evaluate the problems and implemented measures of public and social policy, social services, social work, and human resources development, and cope with dilemmas associated with them.

I think earning a Master's degree in Public and Social Policies at Masaryk University offers an excellent opportunity for diversifying skill sets and making me more marketable to employers and many companies. The program is supplying with the imperative skill sets and various career options that I need to succeed in the real world. I would say that if a person wants to start a new career in government or non-government agencies and have the opportunity to bring well-being into a society, then a Master's degree in “Public, Social Policies and Human Resources” is right for it.
Being an international student at the Social Faculty means to take a responsible approach. I obtained more experience in the field of using theories of policymaking and how to implement programs dealing with public and social policy; how to coordinate institutions and programs which often address the broader fields of public/social policy and, how to design and carry out strategies which address public/social problems as well as problems in human resources development. I was able to continue my research works on human rights through a multicultural environment for findings new ideas for becoming more professional in this field. For example, one of my favorite classes was “Contemporary Problems in the European Welfare States” where the goal is to advance the knowledge about contemporary Czech and European social policy and to develop the ability of the students to solve the current problems of social policy in the Czech Republic.
Why do I think it is good to apply for other students?
At Masaryk University, you may learn how to turn your energy for doing great into demonstrated social impact through one of the complete- or part-time degree program. You may create the abilities you wish to inquire the difficult questions, take after the prove to the answers, and make a genuine and enduring effect. You may combine a thorough instruction with prompt, hands-on encounters that come by being a portion of a preeminent, worldwide university in a world-class city. Moreover, you may discover back in a deep-rooted arrange of tutors and peers, as you turn your enthusiasm for doing great into an impactful career.
How is it studying in English?
Studying a full degree in English is allowing learning present-day academicals to investigate, to require cooperation in international conferences, and bringing unused thoughts in a multicultural environment. The teachers are opening to guide a student if there are some issues or questions regarding the improvement of writing and mastery of English. If you work hard and meet the deadlines and so on, there should be no reason at all why you shouldn’t find it more suited to you.