Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic. When you walk through the main train station you are at the very center of the metropolitan area. The old city is decorated with beautiful buildings from the centuries ago and the streets are filled with history and art. Due to the number of universities located near the city center, students gather in clubs, parks, bars, and secret spots that every student that felt the magic of the place ends sharing with their close friends.
If you have a walk without headphones on the streets, you can hear different languages all around. I can be sure that at least you will meet a person from every continent of the world in the first month being here. As a student the city offers you discounts in transportation and a lot or restaurants have special prices for students that holds their ISIC card. An important tip is that if you are 25 years old or younger and a student, the train tickets of RegioJet are affordable and convenient, and being able to travel would be just a matter of having time and you don’t have to worry that much about the money.
I will give you at least three places I personally visit often and enjoy depending on my mood. The Museum Anthropos and the park surrounding it is located near Vinařská dormitories and is a 10-minute walk to a forest and bike track that friends and families enjoy at different times of the day. Being surrounded by trees and enjoying the to be in touch with nature is something that as students we often need during the exam period. The museum has also a bar where you can enjoy a beer or a snack during weekdays.
In the middle of the city, and near the old town, Lužánky park offers a free and open space to have a picnic, meet with people or grab a drink in the middle of big trees and people walking their dogs. Sometimes there are free and paid concerts that always serves as an excuse to meet with colleagues, friends, and new people. The park is surrounded by tram and bus stations, so getting there and going back home is straight forward.
As the city is has no more than 400.000 inhabitants, the vibe of the city is not as stressful as a big metropolis, but at the same time it has all the convenience of a big city in a smaller size. The delivery companies work until late hours and the public transportation is 24 hours. Moving around is safe at any time and using English in the stores is enough to communicate with the people. Is good to recommend that if you are planning to stay for more than one semester, even if you are not, learning the basics of Czech language would be really appreciated by the locals. They are proud of their culture and language, and they are glad that we, as students, are giving life to this student city.
My last advice of places to visit in Brno is Kraví hora park, at the top of the mountain the cities planetarium offers paid and free visits around the year and the park surrounding it is a central place for locals and international students to meet and walk around. On a weekend is often to see couples and friends enjoying the sunset and sharing some ice cream, also is the predilected place for pre-drinking before going to a club or party due to its central position near the dorms of different universities.
The most important advice I can give to you is to follow Brno news in English and check the weekly schedule that the city offers to different types of publics, from classical concerts to hard punk there’s a place for everyone to enjoy music and art in Brno. Some days during the year the museums of opens their doors to the public during the night and for free, with the intention of incentivize the curiosity of visitors and locals in art and history. Welcome to Brno, the student city you will make you fall in love with it.