Name: Abhinav Banerjee
Studies: International Relations and European Politics
Level of study: Master's
Country: India
Email: abhinavbanerjee2410@gmail.com
Instagram: @abhinavbanerjee_
LinkedIn: Abhinav Banerjee
What experiences make you a great ambassador?
A great ambassador would be someone who is well-versed with the faculty norms and is an overall outgoing and helpful person, I believe that my time studying at the Faculty of Social Studies has equipped me with all the skills necessary to become a great student ambassador. I came to Brno when the entirety of the Czech Republic was battling severe Covid, and during those times my friends assisted me whenever I needed help; therefore i feel a strong sense of responsibility towards this role and I believe I can come of assistance to all those in need of it.
What advice would you give to new students?
The most important piece of advice that I can give is to familiarize yourself with the Information System (IS) as fast as possible. Stay up to date on all events going around you, from faculty organised international student meetings to various career events like JobSpin, they provide an excellent opportunity to make friends and build your network. Everyone in the faculty is super nice and helpful, do not hesitate to send us an email regarding any question you might have; we are here to make your studies and stay in Brno are as fruitful as possible.
What do you love most about Brno?
Brno is a city that I would simply describe as 'amazing'. It has a truly international atmosphere, people from many different cultures exist in the city and provide an out of the world experience. The city is extremely convenient, everything is within reach and the public transport is just fantastic. Moreover, the location of Brno makes international travel really accessible. Brno also has amazing cafes, state of the art libraries and great nightlife