Name: Catherine Girard
Studies: Master’s Degree, Conflict and Democracy Studies
Level of study: PhD, Political Science, Security and Strategic Studies
Country: Canada
Email: catherine.girard@mail.muni.cz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/catherine_gir
What experiences make you a great ambassador?
Having studied abroad in Prague and Ljubljana during my Bachelor’s degree and moving to Brno for my Master’s and my current PhD studies, I believe I have experienced the good (and sometimes not-so-good) of studying abroad. I could always count on student ambassadors while I was abroad, so I am happy to pay it forward. Having also completed my Master’s degree in Conflict and Democracy Studies, I believe I am well-positioned to offer a helping hand not only to new students but to students in later semesters as well.
What advice would you give to new students?
Starting a new degree at a new university is a lot to take in. From bureaucracy and accommodation to course syllabi and (perhaps) not speaking the local language, this new chapter in your life can seem overwhelming and daunting. While it might feel like you are going through it alone, most new students are experiencing the same thing – and the other, more senior, students have already experienced it. So, my advice is to ask for help! Don’t be shy, and don’t feel insecure about having lots of questions. Brno is a great city with kind people that are always willing to help.
What do you love most about Brno?
Coming from a larger city, one of my favourite things about Brno is its walkability. Not being stuck in traffic and being able to run my errands all in proximity to one another give me more time to do something else I love in Brno – trying out all the cafés on my hunt for the best hot chocolate in the city. I also love Brno for the nature it has to offer, like Mariánské údolí, and its proximity to other big cities like Bratislava and Vienna.