Name: Dahlia Sofea Kamarolzaman
Studies: Politics, Media and Communication
Level of study: Bachelor's
Country: Malaysia
Email: 542881@mail.muni.cz
Instagram: @sofea.kz
What experiences make you a great ambassador?
I suggest that my enrolling in international schools my whole life, along with my experience of growing up in Europe at a very young age as a Malaysian, has developed me into a very open-minded young lady. With that being said, communicating and socializing with students all over FSS and my Programme has never been a problem for me. Considering my easygoing and approachable character, I would be more than happy to assist you presuming you have any inquiries regarding this field of study.
What advice would you give to new students?
As a current student, I encourage all new and incoming students to form a great bond with their respective Professors. This way, students can refer to Professors whenever a problem in academics arises. In other words, Masaryk Professors will be valuable mentors throughout your Bachelor’s journey; therefore, do not lose the chance to get firsthand knowledge and advice from them.
What do you love most about Brno?
Brno’s public transport is spectacular. I have never seen any other transport systems as great as Brno. Starting from how efficient the trams are and how punctual it is. You won’t catch yourself waiting more than 10 minutes in the cold. Apart from the trams, the city of Brno is extremely safe. Although some classes may end late in the evening, there is nothing to worry about. The police are actively patrolling in the city. Furthermore, Brno generally has a low crime rate, so without a doubt, you will feel safe walking alone.