Přednášky profesora Christophera Bickertona z University of Cambridge

  • 12. listopadu 2024
    12:00 – 16:30

On Tuesday, 12 November 2024, we will be thrilled to host a very special guest at FSS – Professor Christopher Bickerton from the University of Cambridge, a leading and highly respected expert in modern European politics. On that day, Professor Bickerton will share his insights in two captivating lectures, and we warmly invite you to join us for both. The first lecture will take place at FSS from 12:00 to 13:30 as part of the European Seminar Series, organised by the Department of International Relations and European Studies, in room P22, focusing on Varieties of Technopopulism in Europe. 

Varieties of Technopopulism in Europe

Later, as part of the MUNI Seminar Series, Professor Bickerton will discuss Europe's Long 1989 from 16:30 at Komenského náměstí 220/2, room 300. After the second lecture, you will be warmly invited to a small reception. Don’t miss these exceptional opportunities to engage with one of Europe’s top political thinkers. We look forward to seeing you there!

Europe’s Long 1989

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