Počet publikací: 22
Affective and Cognitive Dimensions of Building Interpersonal and Political Trust in Adolescence : A Qualitative Study
Youth & Society, rok: 2025, DOI
Bias-Based Cyberaggression Related To Origin, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Weight: Systematic Review of Young People’s Experiences, Risk and Protective Factors, and the Consequences
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, rok: 2025, ročník: 26, vydání: 1, DOI
BoPo Online, BoPo Offline? Engagement with Body Positivity Posts, Positive Appearance Comments on Social Media, and Adolescents’ Appearance-Related Prosocial Tendencies
Computers in Human Behavior, rok: 2025, ročník: 162, vydání: January, DOI
Client-identified outcomes of individual psychotherapy : A qualitative meta-analysis
The Lancet Psychiatry, rok: 2025, ročník: 12, vydání: 1, DOI
Czech Version of the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA): Psychometric Evaluation and Network Model.
Mindfulness, rok: 2025, DOI
Does aggressive commentary by streamers during violent video game affect state aggression in adolescents?
New Media & Society, rok: 2025, ročník: 27, vydání: 2, DOI
Examining the Reciprocal Relationship Between Social Media Use and Perceived Social Support Among Adolescents : A Smartphone Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
Media Psychology, rok: 2025, ročník: 28, vydání: 1, DOI
From Psychological Distress and Distrust to Conspiracy Beliefs : A Constructivist Study of Negative Phenomena of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Journal of Constructivist Psychology, rok: 2025, ročník: 38, vydání: 1, DOI
How ideology shapes legal concepts: The case of public order
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, rok: 2025, DOI
Men’s internet sex addiction predicts sexual objectification of women even after taking pornography consumption frequency into account
Frontiers in Psychology, rok: 2025, ročník: 16, vydání: February, DOI