Mgr. Radka Klvaňová, Ph.D., M.A.

Katedra environmentálních studií

sociální a akademické sítě:

Curriculum vitae

Person Identification
  • Radka Klvaňová, born September 27, 1980
  • Katedra sociologie, Masarykova univerzita/Department of Sociology, Masaryk University
    Address: Joštova 10, 602 00, Brno, Czech Republic
Employment Position
  • Assistant Professor
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 2006 - 2015: Ph.D. in Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
  • 2003-2006: Master in Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Thesis (Mgr.): On The Road Towards Dignified Life: Motives and Strategies of Migration of Armenians Living In Brno
  • 2004-2005: International Master of Social Policy Analysis (IMPALLA), CEPS/INSTEAD Luxembourg; Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, Thesis (M.A.): Welfare Threat and Exclusionism of Immigrants: Perception of Immigrants in Different European Welfare States
  • 1999-2003: Bachelor in Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University'
  • ' 1999-2003: Bachelor in Social Policy and Social Work, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
Professional experience
  • 2014 till now: Department of Sociology, FSS MU, assistant professor
  • 2011 - 2014; 2017 till now: parental leave
  • 2006 - 2012: Institute for Research on Social Reproduction and Integration (IVRIS), researcher
  • 2004 - 2006: Regional Counselling Agency (RPA), Brno, Project Manager
  • 2001 – 2004: Society of Citizens Assisting Emigrants (SOZE), Brno, field worker with asylum seekers
Pedagogical Activities
  • Contemporary Migration Research
  • Migration, Transnationalism and the City
  • Anthropology of Childhood
  • Social and Cultural Aspects of International Migration
Scientific and Research Activities
  • 2015 - 2016 - Political Participation of Refugees in Austria and the Czech Republic
  • 2009 EDUMIGROM - Ethnic Differences in Education and Diverging Prospects for Urban Youth in an Enlarged Europe
  • 2006 - 2012 Inclusion and exclusion of migrants in a transnational perspective (IVRIS)
  • 2007 Research project "Motivace a očekávání studentů prvních ročníků na MU" (Motivation and expectations of the first year students at Masaryk University)
  • 2005-2006 Research project "Zkušenosti žadatelů o azyl a strpitelů se zaměstnáváním v ČR v rámci Programu iniciativy společenství EQUAL" (Asylum seekers´ experience with employment in the CR in the framework of Community iniciative EQUAL)
Academical Stays, Summer Universities, Training Programmes
  • 2010 (29-30 March), Writing Across Boundaries: Explorations in Representation, Rhetoric and Writing in Qualitative Research, Durham University
  • 2008 (29 Sept–3 Oct 2008), International Summer School: Selected Concepts of Comparison and Methods of Empirical Migration Research, Ruhr University Bochum
  • 2008 (14-18 July 2008) CINEFOGO/ESA Summer School: Sociology and the Quality of Life, University of Crete
  • 2006 (November 5-12, December 11-15): Winter School of Masaryk University in Belarus and Czech Republic on Social Transformation
  • 2005 (May 23-28): Student Forum Maastricht 2005: Europe on the move – coping with migration: 30 hours intensive academic training focusing of European migration and asylum policy, Maastricht University, Netherlands
  • 2002 (August-December): Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Papers at Conferences and Workshops
  • 2015: "The return of the Russians: Immigrants from the former Soviet Union in the Czech republic and the cultural trauma of ´1968´." Conference Identities in Conflict, Conflict in Identities. Brno, FSS MU
  • 2014: "The Brother of the Other: Towards a Postcolonial Perspective on Migration from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to the Czech Republic?" Conference CASA Transition 2.0? Anthropology of the world(s) in reform, Prague, Charles University
  • 2010: "Other Migrants and Migrants´ Others: Cultural citizenship and migration from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to the Czech Republic", Conference Evolution of the migratory interactions of the EU and Central and Eastern European countries, 24-25 September 2010, Odessa
  • 2009: "Negotiating belonging in transnational social fields: Migrants from the former Soviet Union in the Czech Republic." ESA conference European Society or European Societies?, 02-05 September 2009, Lisboa
  • 2008: "Inclusion/exclusion of migrants in a transnational perspective: a case study of migrants from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in the Czech Republic." International Summer School Selected Concepts of Comparison and Methods of Empirical Migration Research, 29 Sept – 03 Oct 2008, Ruhr University Bochum
  • 2008: "Inclusion/exclusion of migrants in a transnational perspective: a case study of migrants from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in the Czech Republic." CINEFOGO/ESA Summer School: Sociology and the Quality of Life, University of Crete,14-18 July 2008
  • 2008: "Conceptualizing inclusion/exclusion of migrants in a transnational perspective: ways of belonging and non-belonging in a transnational social field." Conferece Migrations. Rethinking Contemporary Migration Events, Telč, May 29-June 1, 2008
  • 2008: "So close, yet so distant. Inclusion and exclusion of migrants from the post-Soviet Union in the Czech Republic." Conference Labour migration and Europeanization processes after 1989/91, Catholic University of Leuven, February, 22-23, 2008
  • 2007: "Inclusion and exclusion in the biographies of migrants from the post-Soviet Union in the Czech Republic in a transnational perspective." Conference Ethnicity, Belonging, Biography and Ethnography, 7.-9.12.2007, University of Goettingen
  • 2007: “Migrants in the Networks of Social Relations: A Case Study of the Migrants from Armenia Living in Brno.” Conference Life in Motion, 28.-30.6.2007, Brno, Fakulta sociálních studií
  • 2007: “Issues, methods and outcomes of ethnological studies on cultural diversity in the Czech Republic with a special emphasis on migration and inclusion of immigrants.” Workshop: Ethnological understandings of cultural diversity in Central European Urban Spaces, March 29-30 2007, Ethnic and Minority Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 2006: "Běženci berou útokem brány Evropy. Jak se v českém tisku píše o uprchlících v Evropě." Konference Lidská práva a fenomén migrace v současné Evropě. Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
  • 2006: "Can the state bear children? Family policies and fertility rates in the Czech Republic and France." Conference Challenges of a New Europe : diversity, dilemmas and directions. Inclusion and Exclusion in Contemporary European Societies, Inter-University Center Dubrovnik
Extrauniversity Activities
  • 2006 - 2011: Member of Editorial Board Migration Online,
Appreciation of Science Community
  • 2006: Dean s Award for Excellent Students at Master Level (Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University) 2016: EDIS - Dean's Award for excellent dissertations (EDIS)
Selected Publications
  • KLVAŇOVÁ, Radka. ‘The Russians are back’ : Symbolic boundaries and cultural trauma in immigration from the former Soviet Union to the Czech Republic. Ethnicities. SAGE Publications, 2019, roč. 19, č. 1, s. 136-155. ISSN 1468-7968. Dostupné z: URL info
  • KLVAŇOVÁ, Radka. The Brother of the Other. Immigration from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to the Czech Republic and the boundaries of belonging. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2017, 167 s. EDIS Ediční řada disertačních prací Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity, sv. 16. ISBN 978-80-210-8577-0. info
  • KAŠPAROVÁ, Irena a Radka KLVAŇOVÁ. Dítě a dětství: proměnlivá konceptualizace pojmů a její vazby na vzdělávání. Slovak Sociological Review. Bratislava: Slovenská akadémia vied, 2016, roč. 48, č. 4, s. 377-398. ISSN 0049-1225. URL info
  • KLVAŇOVÁ, Radka. Proměna pojetí integrace migrantů v ČR. In Migrace a kulturní konflikty. Praha: Auditorium, 2011, s. 263-273. ISBN 978-80-87284-07-0. info
  • KLVAŇOVÁ, Radka. Nejasné loajality: způsoby přináležitosti a nepatření migrantů v transnacionálních sociálních polích. Sociální studia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2009, roč. 6, č. 1, s. 91-111, 20 s. ISSN 1214-813X. info
  • KLVAŇOVÁ, Radka, Kateřina SIDIROPULU JANKŮ a Radim MARADA. Sociální studia 1/2009 - Transnacionalismus. Brno: Fakulta sociálních studií MU, 2009. ISSN 1214-813X. info
  • KLVAŇOVÁ, Radka. Moving Through Social Networks: The Case of Armenian Migrants in the Czech Republic. International Migration. 2009, roč. 48, č. 2, s. 103-132. ISSN 0020-7985. URL info
  • HOFÍREK, Ondřej, Radka KLVAŇOVÁ a Michal NEKORJAK. Boundaries in motion. Rethinking Contemporary Migration Events. 1. vyd. Brno: Centrum pro demokracii a kulturu, 2009, 223 s. ISBN 978-80-7325-191-8. info
  • HOFÍREK, Ondřej, Radka KLVAŇOVÁ a Michal NEKORJAK. Rethinking Contemporary Migration Events:Multidisciplinary Perspectives. In Boundaries in Motion: Rethinking Contemporary Migration Events. 1. vyd. Brno: Centrum pro demokracii a kulturu, 2009, s. 9-28, 19 s. Sociology Series, Volume No.8. ISBN 978-80-7325-191-8. info
  • KLVAŇOVÁ, Radka. Rethinking the Concept of Inclusion/Exclusion of Migrants: Ways of Belonging and Non-belonging in Transnational Social Fields. In Boundaries in Motion: Rethinking Contemporary Migration Events. Brno: Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture, 2009, s. 105-134, 20 s. Sociology Series, Vol. no 8. ISBN 978-80-7325-191-8. URL info
  • HOFÍREK, Ondřej a Radka KLVAŇOVÁ. K problematice přístupu žadatelů o azyl na trh práce v České republice. Fórum sociální politiky. Praha: Výzkumný ústav práce a sociálních věcí, 2008, roč. 2008, č. 3, s. 16-20. ISSN 1802-5854. info
  • KLVAŇOVÁ, Radka. Etnicity a přináležitosti v biografiích a etnografiích. Biograf. Praha: Časopis Biograf, 2008, roč. 45. ISSN 1211-5770. info
  • KLVAŇOVÁ, Radka. Uprchlíci v zahraničí na stránkách českého tisku. In Cizinci, našinci a média. Praha: Multikulturní centrum, 2007, s. 25-36. ISBN 80-239-8475-6. info
  • KLVAŇOVÁ, Radka. Diskriminace a média. Uprchlíci, migranti a další cizinci na stránkách českého tisku. 2007. info
  • HOFÍREK, Ondřej a Radka KLVAŇOVÁ. Zkušenosti žadatelů o azyl a strpitelů se zaměstnáváním v České republice. Sociální práce/Sociálna práca. Brno: Asociace vzdělavatelů v sociální práci, 2007, roč. 2007, č. 2, s. 136-138, 2 s. ISSN 1213-6204. info


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