Generation of novel AupAgqTer clusters via laser ablation synthesis using Au-Ag-Te nano-composite as precursor: Laser desorption ionisation with quadrupole ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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Rok publikování 2014
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Gold, tellurium and silver are found in nature either in their native state or in alloy with other metals. Gold tellurides are known as various minerals such as calaverite, krennerite (AuTe2) and montebrazite (Au2Te3). Silver tellurides are known as hessite (Ag2Te) and empressite (AgTe). Sylvanites (AuAgTe4) and mutmannite (AuAgTe2) are the ores of gold, silver and telluride. Laser ablation synthesis (LAS) was proved to be powerful technique for the generation and study of clusters from various materials. In addition, structural fragments of solid materials have been identified using laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LDI-TOF-MS) for example. The aim of this work was to study the formation of binary AupAgq, AgqTer, AupTer and ternary AupAgqTer clusters generated via LAS of Au-Ag-Te mixture and/or composite material. Gold and silver nanoparticles were mixed with powder of metallic tellurium in different ratio and formation of clusters was followed with a mass spectrometer equipped with quadrupole ion trap, reflectron and time of flight analyser. The stoichiometry of the detected AupAgqTer clusters was found via modelling of the isotopic patterns and around 70 different binary and ternary clusters were identified. Generation of AupAgqTer clusters and knowledge of the stoichiometry might be important for the development of new materials with specific properties.
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