Work satisfaction and work performance: An experimental examination of a causal model (Research proposal) (Poster)

Název česky Pracovní spokojenost a pracovní výkon: Experimentální ověření kauzálního modelu (Návrh výzkumu)


Rok publikování 2015
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Přiložené soubory
Popis Purpose: The poster presents proposed research design of an experiment, which should test the direction of causal relationship between work satisfaction and work performance. After 60 years of research, the direction of causality between satisfaction and performance is still unanswered. Current knowledge is based on a panel studies whose results may have alternative explanations. That is why we want to carry out an experiment, which contains a manipulation with satisfaction and with the perception of performance. We want to get a feedback to our purpose, to get an inspiration for improvements of the design and to inspire the peers. Design/Methodology: In the experiment, respondents will perform repeatedly individual task, which has a measurable output. We will manipulate task characteristics (perceived task significance, perceived autonomy) to influence the work satisfaction. After finishing the task for the first time, the respondent will get a manipulated feedback about her performance and then we will ask her to perform the task again. We will measure satisfaction before, as well as after each task. Limitations: Laboratory experiments have limited ecological validity. The artificial environment, lack of interaction and simplicity of the task may affect results. Research/Practical Implications: The results allow interpret more accurately the relationships found in the correlation and panel studies in organizations. Originality/Value: Our project will help to explain core relationships in an area of work psychology and management. Experimental design with a series of manipulations will show to what extent is the satisfaction influenced by performance and/or performance by satisfaction.

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