Different ways how to survive dry episode: a role of species traits in resistamce and/or resilience to stream intermittence

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Rok publikování 2018
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis A significant increase of stream intermittency in the Czech Republic has been reported in the last decades. Temporal and spatial unpredictability of this phenomenon force the macroinvertebrate communities to create strategies for survival. Generally, there are two ways how to cope with the flow abruption: to stand (i.e. resistance) or to flee and return after flow resumption (i.e. resilience). We predicted that i) proportion of resistant macroinvertebrates within community will be related to the extent of dry episode and ii) the proportion of resilient taxa will rise with the time after flow resumption and iii) the general diversity metrices such as total taxa richness or total abundance are related to both –temporal extent of dry episode and duration of flow phase after flow resumption. We analysed macroinvertebrate assemblages from ten intermittent streams in the Czech Republic sampled between years 2012 and 2015. We compared different species traits representation that promotes resistance and/or resilience of macroinvertebrate communities to intermittence with relation to i) dry episode duration, ii) time span from stream flow resumption to the sampling date and iii) the newly designed metric that combines both and therefore expresses the general impact of dry episode on macroinvertebrate community. The preliminary results show that duration of dry episode plays a major role in macroinvertebrate community composition. Further, our newly designed metric describing overall intermittency impact can explain general diversity indices with great accuracy. This research was supported by INTER-COST (LTC17017) project, data were collected within BIODROUGHT project (www.biodrought.eu).
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