Combination of CE-FA method with sensitive MS detection

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Rok publikování 2019
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Popis In this study capillary electrophoresis-frontal analysis method with mass spectrometry detection was optimized and used for determination of binding parameters of tolbutamide-HSA and poorly soluble drug – glimepiride-HSA interacting pairs. Mass spectrometry allows to use the low drug concentration and also structural information is obtained. Main optimized parameters were separation voltage, composition and flow rate of sheath liquid, nebulizing gas pressure, drying gas flow rate and temperature. Final conditions were separation voltage – 17 kV, sheath liquid – isopropanol/H2O 20/20 (v/v) with addition of ammonium acetate (final concentration 1.5 mM) and flow rate 4 µL/min, the nebulizing gas pressure – 2 psi, the drying gas flow rate – 5 L/min and temperature 180 °C. Used concentration of protein was 50 µM and the range of drugs concentration was 10 – 70 µM.
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