Ein Körpergrab der späten römischen Kaiserzeit in Lovčice (okr. Hradec Králové / CZ)


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Rok publikování 2014
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

www https://www.academia.edu/39698698/J%C3%ADlek_J._-_Horn%C3%ADk_P._-_Kop%C5%99ivov%C3%A1_J._2014_Ein_K%C3%B6rpergrab_der_sp%C3%A4ten_r%C3%B6mischen_Kaiserzeit_in_Lov%C4%8Dice_okr._Hradec_Kr%C3%A1lov%C3%A9_CZ_._Jahrbuch_RGZM_61_2014_179-198
Klíčová slova Inhumation Grave; Late Roman Period; Lovčice; crossbow brooch; bronze arrowheads
Přiložené soubory
Popis An Inhumation Grave Dated to the Late Roman Period from Lovčice (okr. Hradec Králové / CZ) During the revision of the protohistorical collections in the Městské muzeum in Nový Bydžov the authors discovered a previously unknown set of grave goods from Lovčice. The grave had already been discovered in 1928-1929. The grave contained a bronze crossbow brooch with a knob on the head (Bügelknopffibel), two bronze arrowheads, a barrel-shaped bead of black glass and a fragment of a conical bowl. From the skeleton only teeth had survived. Inhumation graves started appearing from phase C2 in the eastern Bohemia region. The graves from Žeretice (okr. Jičín) and Slepotice (okr. Pardubice) are similar to some other graves from different regions of Bohemia. Similar and in some cases even richer examples are known from central Germany. Inhumation burials are common in phase C3 in the eastern Elbe region, as we can see from an example in Lovčice which according to its grave goods (bronze arrowheads, bead type TM 303, fibula) belongs to the Late Elbe-Germanic region. Richer examples are numerous in the early Alamannic period. These findings show the cultural homogeneity in Eastern Bohemia.
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