Postsocialist suburban governmentality : A shift from reactive to proactive discourse in the case of Brno, Czech Republic



Rok publikování 2021
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Cities
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

www Cities, Volume 110, March 2021, 103074
Klíčová slova Two-wave research; Czech Republic; Governmentality; Discourse analysis; Suburbanization; Post-socialism
Přiložené soubory
Popis The article brings a perspective of governmentality theory to the studies on residential suburbanization of the European postsocialist cities. By examining the accounts of the mayors of fringe urban districts and municipalities located in the metropolitan area of Brno, the second-largest Czech city, we identify two interlinked discourses – the reactive discourse and the proactive discourse, both underlined by a specific sociospatial imaginary of rurality. The lens of governmentality theory led to the focus on the mayors' understanding of the process, their position within it, the political tools they did (not) apply and the legitimation of their decisions. The two-wave research design (2006–2009 and 2019, 26 interviews in total) enabled us to capture the substantial change in the intensity of these discourses over time to examine how they relate to the construction of the boundaries of municipal responsibility within the challenging suburbanization process.
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