Association analysis of 24-h blood pressure records with I/D ACE gene polymorphism and AB0 blood group system

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VAŠKŮ Anna SOUČEK Miroslav HÁJEK Dobroslav HOLLÁ Lydie ZNOJIL Vladimír VÁCHA Jiří

Rok publikování 1999
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Physiological Research
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Obor Kardiovaskulární nemoci včetně kardiochirurgie
Klíčová slova circadian blood pressure rhythm; I/D ACE polymorphism; ABO blood group system; sex; body mass index
Popis The purpose of the study was to analyse associations among 24-h blood pressure records parameters, insertion/deletion angiotensin I converting enzyme gene polymorphism and ABO blood group system in sample of Czech subjects from general population. Eleven parameters describing the 24-h blood pressure readings were obtained from the analysis of the 24-h blood pressure records in 243 volunteers, 119 men and 124 women. Using multivariation analysis of variance, the parameters were adjusted for sex and BMI. All the subjects were genotyped for insertion/deletion angiotensin I converting enzyme (I/D ACE) gene polymorphism. They were examined for the blood group in ABO system routinely. An association between interaction of I/D ACE gene polymorphism and ABO blood group systém on the one side and mean values of systolic (p=0.016), mean arterial (p=0.027) blood pressures and the maximum amplitude position of 24-h BP rhythm (p=0.036) on the other side was found.
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