Digital competences of social work degree students : an exploratory study based on a survey utilizing a triangulated voluntary sample



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Social Work Education
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Klíčová slova DigComp; digital competence; digital literacy; information literacy; ICT literacy; e-social work; university students
Popis In various countries, the digital competences of social work students are inadequately addressed within existing curricular frameworks. Addressing this gap necessitates a more nuanced understanding of the prevailing digital competence trends among these students, though the methodology for such measurement remains ambiguous. This study investigates the applicability of the DigComp 2.2 model for gauging the digital competence levels of social work students. Employing a predominantly quantitative-exploratory approach, data were gathered in the Czech Republic and Slovakia through a 22-item questionnaire designed to assess the five digital competence areas outlined in the DigComp v2.2 framework (N?=?151). The analysis revealed a spectrum of competence levels, ranging from insufficient to relatively high across different areas. These findings were benchmarked against the only other known study utilizing the DigComp model on the social work student demographic, which employed the model in a relatively less rigorous manner, showing considerable alignment. Based on these insights, recommendations for enhancing future research methodologies are proposed.
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