The Pandemic as a Starting Point for the Development of Resilience-Based Practice Education: Experiences from the Czech Republic



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis This chapter focuses on the practical education of social work students in the Czech Republic. It first presents the social status and institutionalization of the social work profession, which is also reflected in education. This is followed by an introduction to the governmental measures during the pandemic and their impact on the implementation of practical education for students. It includes a presentation of the results of a survey conducted among educators in the Czech Republic within the SWooPEd project. The final part focuses on the impact of the pandemic on the Czech practical education curriculum and draws implications for international overlap. Particular emphasis is placed on the concept of resilience, which consists of favorable development despite adverse circumstances. In agreement with other authors, the author believes that the pandemic poses a key challenge to social workers and educators, and that is precisely the greater emphasis on the topic of resilience.
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