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In today's rapidly changing world, characterized by constant change and increasing demands, the mental health and overall well-being of field social workers are crucial. This study addresses the importance of lifelong learning as a key tool for enhancing the resilience of these professionals. Personal well-being serves as the foundation of effective social work. The discussion emphasizes the necessity of caring for personal well-being for successful and sustainable engagement in field work. Field social workers face many challenges and pressures on a daily basis. Identifying these challenges and understanding their impact on the mental health and well-being of workers is crucial for effectively meeting their needs. Lifelong learning emerges as a key element in strengthening the resilience of field social workers. Through the implementation of tailored strategies and lifelong learning programs, workers can acquire the necessary tools to navigate stressors and overcome challenges associated with their profession. Innovative approaches play a crucial role in the development of well-being among field social workers. This study highlights the importance of integrating innovative approaches into lifelong learning initiatives to enhance the resilience and well-being of professionals in the field. Given the constant demands and pressures faced by field social workers, it is essential not only to enhance their professional skills but also to prioritize their personal growth and well-being. Social workers are often trained in specialized topics such as legislative changes, dosage systems, and direct social work methods as part of lifelong education. Unfortunately, the importance of their personal development and balance between work and personal life is often overlooked. Programs focused on mindfulness, self-care, and self-reflection techniques, tailored to the specific individual needs of field workers, should be incorporated into lifelong learning initiatives. Additionally, it is important to organize peer support programs, especially for new social workers, where experiences can be shared, and mutual support can be provided. These programs can reduce experienced stress, especially when new field social workers encounter challenges in social work. Finally, the use of modern technologies, such as online platforms for consultation and information sharing, facilitates the work of social workers and reduces administrative burdens, which has a positive impact on their well-being. Within their profession, social workers have the opportunity for supervision, mostly in a team setting, occasionally on an individual basis. Supervision reflects on client work or teamwork, but personal needs and difficulties are often overlooked. Individual coaching programs should also be introduced as part of lifelong education, helping field social workers discover their life potential, harmonize personal and professional life, live a fulfilling life, and plan lifelong learning. Lifelong learning appears to be an essential path to strengthening the resilience of field social workers and equipping them with the necessary skills to effectively address the challenges they face in their work. This study aims to stimulate discussion on the integration of well-being and lifelong learning into the practice of social work, creating a supportive environment conducive to the development of field social workers and optimizing their contribution to society.