Liberalism, the Common Good, and Dramatic Tensions

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Rok publikování 2025
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis Firstly, the chapter contrasts the Catholic view of politics with liberalism. Human beings, endowed with dignity, live in social unions, which have their distinctive common goods. Insomuch as good is made common in them, these social unions constitute the perfection of the image of the Trinitarian God through the unity of their order, i.e., the right habits and relations among their member. Consequently, in its second part, the chapter seeks to steer Catholic political thought in a direction that is more permeated with Trinitarian elements. Following the work of the French Jesuit Gaston Fessard, it also tries to mediate the relationship between the good of the community and the emphasis on human rights through some other category of the common good, which enables reconciliation in the universal communion of love.
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