Geophysical field pattern in the West Bohemian geodynamic active area

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Rok publikování 2000
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Seismologie, vulkanologie a struktura Země
Klíčová slova Earthquake swarm; Bohemian Massif; Saxothuringian Zone; Karlovy Vary Pluton; Cheb Basin; gravity; airborne magnetometry; airborne gamma-ray spectrometry; seismic profile 9HR; density model; stress field; geomorphology
Popis Regional geophysical data from detailed gravity survey, airborne magnetometry and gamma-ray spectrometry were analysed in order to determine the subsurface extent of contrasting geological bodies and to highlight subtle anomalies which can be related to the occurrence of earthquake swarms. Potential field data were compiled into contour and colour-shaded relief maps suitable for detecting structural tectonic elements. A shaded relief map of the horizontal gradient of gravity was used to detect considerable structural and tectonic features. The results of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry, showing the regional total gamma-ray activity, abundance of uranium, thorium and potassium, were included in this study. Only the two most instructive maps - the total gamma-ray activity and the abundance of potassium are shown. The main line of epicentres Nový Kostel - Počátky coincides well with the N-S configuration of abundances of these natural radioactive elements. The epicentres of micro-earthquakes detected by the local seismological network KRASLICE for the 1991 to 1998 period were plotted in the geophysical maps. The hypocentres of earthquakes in the main epicentral zone at Nový Kostel were projected onto the crustal density model based on the interpretation of seismic reflection profile 9HR and gravity data. The average distance between the Nový Kostel epicentral zone and the seismic profile was 4-5 km. Based on the interpretation of gravity data the hypocentres of the main epicentral zone seem to be associated with the western margin of the Eibenstock - Nejdek (Karlovy Vary) Pluton and, beside that, they follow the depth level where the allochtonnous part of the Saxothuringian Zone is thrust over the European parautochton. A drawing of the geodynamic model of the area is also shown.
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