Deciding Bisimulation-Like Equivalences with Finite-State Processes

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JANČAR Petr KUČERA Antonín MAYR Richard

Rok publikování 2001
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Theoretical Computer Science
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta informatiky

Obor Počítačový hardware a software
Klíčová slova concurrency; infinite-state systems; bisimilarity
Popis We show that characteristic formulae for finite-state systems up to bisimulation-like equivalences (e.g., strong and weak bisimilarity) can be given in the simple branching-time temporal logic EF. Since EF is a very weak fragment of the modal mu-calculus, model checking with EF is decidable for many more classes of infinite-state systems. This yields a general method for proving decidability of bisimulation-like equivalences between infinite-state processes and finite-state ones. We apply this method to the class of PAD processes, which strictly subsumes PA and pushdown (PDA) processes, showing that a large class of bisimulation-like equivalences (including, e.g., strong and weak bisimilarity) is decidable between PAD and finite-state processes. On the other hand, we also demonstrate that no `reasonable' bisimulation-like equivalence is decidable between state-extended PA processes and finite-state ones. Furthermore, weak bisimilarity with finite-state processes is shown to be undecidable even for state-extended BPP (which are also known as `parallel pushdown processes').
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