Rómska problematika v lokálnych sociálnych politikách



Rok publikování 2002
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis The authors deals with current Roma issues in Slovakia and with the different approaches to their solution that can be found within local communities. It examines the vagues and changeable designation "Roma", and then describes what is understood by the term "the Roma issue". The chapter treats as its main issue the stigmatization of the Roma as poor and incapable of adapting, with the author identifying the main problem as the exclusion and segregation of the Roma. The results of this process after 1989 has been the long-term mass unemployment of Roma people, and the social decline of those who before 1989 were integrated into majpority society. The chapter also analzses the solutions proposed by the civil service and non governmental organizations (NGOs), paying special attention to local government attitudes. Local governments are rated here according to the degree and type of help they provide to the economically dependent and segregated Roma.
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