Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) jižní Moravy (NP Podyjí)


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Rok publikování 2004
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2004
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Zoologie
Klíčová slova Ceratopogindae; South Moravia; Podyjí; faunistics
Popis During 2001-2002 was collected a material of Diptera on one of the remarkablest places of Czech Republic (National Park of Podyjí). Natural conditions of NP Podyjí are very specific and offer a refuge to thermophilous either montain species. Its greater part belonged to the border zone, the access of which was forbidden for turist public. In view of the remarkable scientific qualities of the areas nature, moves began in 1989, after the change of political climate, to re-classsify Podyjí as a national park and in 1991 have been proclaimed the NP Podyjí. The national park presents an exeptionally well-preserved picture of river-valley landscape in the hilly grade of Middle Europe. In the whole region we find the so-called valley phenomenon causing westward penetration of thermophilous species of animals and plants from the south-eastern Panonian region. In NP Podyjí, on 11 localities were biting midges found: Havraníky (1), Hnanice (2),Horní Břečkov (3), Čížovský rybník (4), Liščí skála (5), Braitava (6), Fládnická chata (7) Pod Šóbesem (8), Zadní Hamry (9), Ledové sluje (10) and Braitava-Letohrádek (11) The material havwe been collected during 2001-2002 using Malaise traps, Emergence traps, Yellow and White Pan Water traps, car net and sweeping. From examined 2533 specimens (1847 females, 686 males) have been determined 84 species what represent 43 % of the total czech ceratopogonid fauna (157 species). For the first time, 21 species (25 %) on the territory of the Czech Republic and 7 spp. (8.5 %) on the historical territory of Moravia are recorded. The qualitative and quantitative richness of collected material from NP Podyjí reflect not only the specifity of this area, but also the efficiency of used collecting methods Amid other important results, very interesting is occurence of the species Forcipomyia (Panhelea) brevicubita, of which was present in samples an amount of specimens. Panhelea is also a new subgenus for the Czech Republic. Furthermore, Atrichopogon epicautae, a Nearctic species known from North America only, is also recorded from the study area. Almost 61 % of determinated species has been collected with car net on 1 study locality ,thats why an ecological evaluation will not reflect the real condtitions of the whole study area. Anyway, this collecting method seems to be a good way for quick knowing the requested spectrum of species of any dipteran family on a study locality.
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