Different fate, extractability, bioavailability and toxicity of phenanthrene in natural and artificial soils


Publikace nespadá pod Fakultu sociálních studií, ale pod Přírodovědeckou fakultu. Oficiální stránka publikace je na webu muni.cz.
Název česky Různý osud, extrahovatelnost, biodostupnost a toxicita fenantrenu v přírodních a umělých půdách


Rok publikování 2006
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Artificial soil is used routinely as a standardized substrate for soil tests and consequent risk assessment. The key question is, if the results could be extrapolated to the natural soils. Generally accepted approach for hydrophobic pollutants is based on recalculation the results according to the organic matter content in the soils. Our study was aimed to verify this concept. Three artificial soils were prepared to contain the same organic carbon content as three natural soils (arable, grassland, and forest). The same dose of 14C-labelled phenanthrene was spiked to all soils. Total content, extractability by three different extraction techniques, bioavailability to microbes and Enchytraeus albidus, and toxicity to enchytraeid species were measured after 1, 14, 42, and 84 (effects of aging). When the soils were compared, the total content, extractability, and bioavailability were significantly lower in artificial soils. Also changes in time due to aging were different. Our results suggest, that the risk for natural soils could not be simply predicted from results of the tests using artificial soil.
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