Nízká genetická strukturovanost a geografická izolace u středoevropských populací netopýra hvízdavého (Pipistrellus pipistrellus)

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Rok publikování 2007
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis In two recently discovered European cryptic bat species Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus different life strategies were found in some aspects (e.g., echolocation and social calls, foraging habitats, activity patterns, home-ranges). Former data on long-distance migration and hibernation concern P. pipistrellus s.l., i. e. either P. pipistrellus or P. pygmaeus. There is, however, no information whether both species can migrate over long distances and whether they can hibernate in the same hibernacula or not. By examining the degree of population subdivision, a greater understanding of seasonal movements may be attained. Migratory species may be expected to show low levels of structuring while sedentary species may exhibit a greater degree of genetic differentiation among populations. Using a PCR-based species identification method we screened historical (preserved museum samples) and recent (wing membrane tissues) material from underground hibernacula and sites of mass autumn invasions (116 individuals, 10 localities) in central Europe. We found that all individuals in hibernacula and invasion sites were P. pipistrellus and there has been no information about the hibernation and mass invasions in P. pygmaeus in central Europe. Ten polymorphic microsatellite markers were used for analysis of population genetic structure. In summer 2006 we collected wing membrane tissues from 202 individuals from 9 maternity colonies of P. pipistrellus, 23 to 560 km distant from each other, and situated across the Czech Republic and Slovakia (central Europe). Genetic structuring was very low (Fst=0.0055) and there were no signs of isolation-by-distance (p>0.05) indicating high levels of gene flow among populations even when separated by large geographic distances. These results suggest that mating during migration from summer to winter roosts is important means of gene flow among populations. In the next steps it will be necessary (1) to analyse mtDNA structure to assess relative importance of male and female dispersal and (2) to compare obtained data with those from the cryptic species P. pygmaeus to analyse possible differences in mating behaviour between the two species.
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