Metazoan parasites in two congeneric cyprinid fish species (Chondrostoma nasus and C. toxostoma) and their respective hybrids

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Název česky Mnohobuněční paraziti dvou kongenerických druhů kaprovitých ryb (Chondrostoma nasus a C. toxostoma) a jejich hybridů


Rok publikování 2011
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Two congeneric cyprinids, the introduced species Chondrostoma nasus and native (protected and endemic) species C. toxostoma live in sympatry and form a hybrid zone in the Durance River (South France, Mediterranean Sea drainage). Both species are well morphologically and ecologically differentiated. The bidirectional gene introgression was demonstrated between two Chondrostoma species. Such situation is not found commonly in hybridizing species. The direction of mitochondondrial introgression is density-dependent in favor of the rarer species and the sexual selection seems to explain the asymmetry of introgression. The aims of this study were to investigate the composition of metazoan parasite communities in two pure species, C. nasus and C. toxostoma, and their respective hybrids. A total of 65 Chondrostoma individuals (from five populations in the rivers of South France) were collected and genotyped for mtDNA (cyt b) and 41 microsatellite loci. Five populations differ in the proportion of two pure species. A very low frequency of hybrids was found in four localities studied. The hybrids were absent in one locality. A total of 7 monogenean species, 8 trematodean species, 3 crustacean species, 1 acanthocephalean species and larval stages of Mollusca were determined on Chondrostoma individuals investigated. Monogenea and Trematoda were the most abundant parasite group. Among them, Dactylogyrus and was the most abundant parasite genus.
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