Přehled publikační a vědecké činnosti
Počet publikací: 92
Kapitoly v knihách
Challenges of Internal Deliberation : The Czech Pirate Party
Political Parties and Deliberative Democracy in Europe A Convenient Relationship?, rok: 2025, počet stran: 18 s.
Iran : Ambivalent dynamics on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic
Risk Communication and COVID-19 : Governmental Communication and Management of Pandemic, rok: 2025, počet stran: 14 s.
Liberalism, the Common Good, and Dramatic Tensions
Trinitarian Ontologies. Towards a Trinitarian Transformation of Philosophy, vydání: Vyd. 1, rok: 2025, počet stran: 17 s.
Misconstrued anticipations? Disaster politics in the age of disinformation
A Time of Disastrous Anticipations: Essays on Life in the Shadow of Catastrophe, rok: 2025
Populist Rhapsody : Struggle for trust in Czech public service media in a fragmented media environment
The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies, rok: 2025, počet stran: 9 s.
Psychology in the Czech Republic.
Handbook of International Psychology 2nd Edition., rok: 2025
Risk communication during crisis and post-crisis loops : how governments communicated about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines: conceptual framework
Risk Communication and COVID-19 : Governmental Communication and Management of Pandemic, rok: 2025, počet stran: 17 s.
Strategy and Resilience of Democratic Actors in Interwar Czechoslovakia : Enemies of Democracy
Democracy and Its Enemies in Europe : Successes and Failures in Combating Autocratic Threats, rok: 2025, počet stran: 18 s.
The Czech feminist scene : Times of diffusions and convergences
Routledge International Handbook of Feminisms and Gender Studies : Convergences, Divergences, and Pluralities, rok: 2025, počet stran: 20 s.
The Development of e-Services in the Evolution of e-Government in the V4 Countries
Navigating Globotics at the Semi-periphery. Public Management and Governance Shifts in the Visegrád Group under Globalisation and Technological Change, rok: 2025, počet stran: 21 s.