Informace o projektu
Program developing interdisciplinary research POtential for the STudies of BIOMolecular INteractions (POSTBIOMIN)


Projekt nespadá pod Fakultu sociálních studií, ale pod Středoevropský technologický institut. Oficiální stránka projektu je na webu
Logo poskytovatele
Kód projektu
Období řešení
3/2008 - 2/2011
Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Evropská unie
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Středoevropský technologický institut

National Centre for Biomolecular Research (NCBR), Masaryk University Brno in the Czech Republic has become one of the leading laboratories for structural biology in the Central Europe. The institute is very well equipped by modern laboratory equipment and instruments. Project POSTBIOMIN will strengthen our research potential in theoretical and experimental research that focuses on the structural characterization of biomacromolecules and especially biomolecular interactions study through the scheme of support measures like recruitment of foreign experts, organization of international PhD courses and lectures given by top international scientists. Series of workshops, seminars, postdoctoral and expert inter-ships and visits will be organized. We suppose to reinforce our capacities related to transfer of technologies by hiring the West European specialist. This program will complement investments in research capacity co-financed through the EU cohesion policy programmes for 2007-2013, i.e., CEITEC - large project of Centro-European Institute of Technology focuses on biotechnologies and interdisciplinary medical research, and is prepared in Brno with political support of the Czech Government. Project POSTBIOMIN will contribute to the creation of human potential for modern research institutions and companies dealing with bio-medical research and biotechnologies within the region of Brno.


Počet publikací: 27

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