Blended Intensive Programmes
Do you or your students want to spend one week abroad?
1. Organize
2. Participate in the Blended Mobility Program.
The deadline for BIP grant from CZS for academic year 2024/25 is 31 January 2024
Contact: Michaela Nespěchalová (nespechalova@fss.muni.cz) and Nikola Maráková (marakova@czs.muni.cz) for more information
Basic conditions
- number of participating institutions - 3 from different programme countries
- minimum number of participants – 15 from programme countries
- maximum number of funded participants – 20
- students must obtain at least 3 ECTS
- combination of virtual and physical mobility
Virtual mobility
timing and length of the virtual activity is not set, it is recommended to organize the virtual part before the physical mobility ( e.g., you can organize 2 online classes)
Physical mobility
minimum 5 days-maximum 30 days
1. Organisation of BIP at Masaryk University
- MU receives the grant for implementation -> MU accepts participants
- €400/participant (min. €6,000, max. €8,000)
- To cover costs related to preparation, design, development, implementation, follow -up activities, preparation of virtual activities and overall implementation and coordination of the BIP
- Remuneration for lecturers, rental of premises and equipment, excursions, creation of documents and educational material, translations and interpretations, preparatory visits, remuneration for employees participating in the programme, cultural events, catering for all BIP participants (except alcohol)
- Participants may not be charged tuition/course fees, fees may be charged for activities outside the BIP (visits to cultural events and excursions not directly related to the BIP topic).
- The implementation grant cannot not be used to cover the accommodation and travel expenses of the participants (even partially).
2. Participation of MU is the sending institution
- The students will apply for an Erasmus + grant from CZS which is: 79 EUR per day