Courses taught
Autumn 2021 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Seminar for finalization of Dissertation (SOCd0120, SOCd0121, SOCd0122, SOCd0123, SOCd0124, SOCd0125, SOCd0126)
- Seminars at other Czech Universities
- Social Anthropology - tutorials
- Social Gerontology
- Social gerontology: Concepts and controversies
- Social network analysis
- Social Responsibility: business, research and innovation
- Social Stratification and Labour Market
- Social stratification research
- Sociological Research: Qualitative Text Analysis and Atlas.ti
- Sociological Research: survey data analysis
- Sociology for non-sociologists
- Sociology of education and evaluation research
- Sociology of Nationalism
- Sociology of the Family
- Sport and Society
- Supervised teaching practicum
- Survey data analysis
- Texts from the General Sociology I
- The history of Sociology
- Theoretical Sociology
- Thesis Project (CSOn4000, ESOn4000, SANb2001, SOCb1002, SOCn4005)
- Thesis Project- GEN
- Thesis Project Population Studies
- Thesis Project- SAN
- Thesis seminar (SOCb1005, SOCn4006)
- Thesis seminar GEN
- Thesis seminar Population Studies
- Thesis seminar SAN
- Thesis Writing Seminar (CSOn4001, ESOn4001)
Spring 2021 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Advanced Methods of Interpretation in Cultural Sociology
- Anthropological Research
- Anthropology of Politics and Economy
- Anthropology, Robots, Machines
- Categorical Data Analysis in Sociology
- Conference presentation
- Contemporary Migration Research
- Contemporary Social and Cultural Theory
- Contemporary Sociological Theory (ENSd0906, ESOn4004)
- Creative Writing in Sociology
- Critical Interpretation of Religion
- Culture wars, rebellions and social conflicts
- Data Analysis
- Demography
- Deviation, criminality, gender
- Diploma Seminar for Bachelor Thesis
- Dissertation preparation
- Dissertation Projects Seminar
- Dissertation Thesis Seminar I
- Dissertation Thesis Seminar II
- Doing sociological Research: quantitave and qualitative approaches
- Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Context of Central Europe
- Ethnographic Methods and Field Research: Seminar
- Etnography and Interview
- Family and society
- Family Sociology
- Gender and Sexuality in Research and Politics
- General sociological theory
- Global Challenges in Social Anthropology
- How to write a grant proposal
- Independent Study
- Inequalities in Global Societies: Ethnicity, Class, Gender
- Internship
- Introduction to Population Studies
- Men and Maculinities - The Powerful and Powerless
- Methodological Seminar
- Methodology of Social Sciences
- Methods of sociological research
- Migration, Family and Gender
- Morality and Public Sphere
- Political and economic anthropology
- Political Sociology
- Popularisation of Anthropology in Practice
- Project Seminar
- Public Presentation of Dissertation
- Publication II
- Publications