Courses taught
Autumn 2000 at Faculty of Social Studies
Spring 2000 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Aggregate exam from sociology
- Basic of classical sociology (SOC152, SOC446)
- Democratization of Modern Societies
- Exam
- Gender Studies I. - men
- General sociological theory (SOC103, SOC703)
- Globalisation and consume culture
- Guide to Multivariate Analysis of Quantitative Data Using SPSS
- Interdisciplinary seminar
- Introduction to Political Sociology
- Methodology of Social Sciences
- Methodology of social sciences
- Methods of Social Research
- Nationalism and Ethnicity
- Political Liberalism, the Self and Public Reason
- Political theory of transformations
- Qualifying Exam
- Social stratification
- Sociology of Culture I.
- Sociology of Inequality and Powerty
- sociology of the family
- Theoretical sociology of the 20th century
- Theory of Public Opinion and the Public
- Thesis seminar (SOC190, SOC490)
- Youth Subcultures
Autumn 1999 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Basic of Qualitative Research and Qualitative Interviewing
- Beginner's seminar of Introduction to Sociology
- Classical sociological theories
- Classical sociological theory
- Contemporary social and political theories
- Culture and Institutions of Civic Society
- Gender Studies I. - women
- Guide to Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS
- Guide to Social Antrophology
- Guide to Sociology (SOC101, SOC701)
- Guide to Sociology of Religion
- Public Opinion Survey
- Research methods in sociology
- Research Workshop
- Selected problems of sociology
- Social construction of identity
- Social thinkers of the 19th century
- Sociology of Culture II.
- Sociology of intimacy - selected problems
- Thesis seminar (SOC190, SOC490)
- Unemployment as a Social Problem