Courses taught
Spring 2002 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Minor paper seminar
- Multivariate Data Analysis Using SPSS
- Political sociology of transformation
- Population Studies
- Qualifying Exam
- Societies and thinkers of late epoch
- Sociology of Culture
- Sociology of Inequality and Poverty
- Sociology of knowledge and theory of ideology
- Sociology of the family
- Texts from the General Sociology I
- The conflict theory of society
- The sociology of social stratification and inequality
- The sociology of stratification and inequality
- Theoretical sociology of 20th century
- Theory of Public Opinion and the Public
- Thesis seminar (SOC190, SOC490)
Autumn 2001 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Basic of Qualitative Research and Qualitative Interviewing
- Beginner's seminar of Introduction to Sociology
- Classical sociological theory
- Criminalization of minorities (research seminar)
- Dissertation Thesis Seminar
- Gender Studies I. - men
- Gender Studies I. - women
- Guide to Sociology
- How to Write Diploma Thesis
- Introduction to Social Antrophology
- Introduction to Sociology
- Methods of Social Survey
- Minor paper seminar (SOC191, SOC491)
- Population Studies
- Quantitative Data Analysis (with the use of SPSS)
- Quantitative Data Analysis (with the use of SPSSPC)
- Research methods in sociology
- Seminar for Graduants
- Social construction of identity
- Sociology of Culture
- Sociology of Culture II.
- Sociology of intimacy - selected problems
- Sociology of marital and partner relationship
- Sociology of Organisation and Bureaucracy
- Sociology of the Family
- Survey
- Theory of social deviation
- Thesis seminar (SOC190, SOC490)
- Unemployment as a Social Problem
Spring 2001 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Classical sociological theories
- General sociological theory
- Globalisation and consume culture
- Interdisciplinary seminar
- Introduction to Political Sociology
- Methodology of Social Sciences
- Methodology of social sciences
- Methods of sociological research
- Minor paper seminar (SOC191, SOC491)
- Multivariate Data Analysis Using SPSS
- Political theory of transformations
- Population Studies
- Qualifying Exam
- Social stratification (SOC172, SOC772)
- Sociology of Culture I.
- Sociology of Inequality and Poverty
- Sociology of knowledge and theory of ideology
- Sociology of Social Change
- Thesis seminar (SOC190, SOC490)
Autumn 2000 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Basic of Qualitative Research and Qualitative Interviewing
- Classical sociological theory
- Gender Studies I. - women
- General Methodology of Social Sciences
- General Sociological Theory
- Guide to Social Antrophology
- Guide to Sociology
- Guide to Sociology of Religion
- How to Write Diploma Thesis
- Interdisciplinary seminar
- interests vs. identities - formation of political actors
- Introduction to Sociology
- Introduction to Sociology - Seminar
- Quantitative Data Analysis (with the use of SPSSPC) (SOC108, SOC708)
- Selected problems of sociology of intimacy
- Seminar for Graduants