Courses taught
Spring 2025 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Data analysis II
- Data analysis III
- Data analysis internship
- Data Analysis Internship
- Descriptive Analysis of Quantitative Data
- Dialogue Communication Theory
- Diploma Thesis Consultations
- Diploma Thesis Seminar I
- Diploma Thesis Seminar II
- Diploma Thesis Seminar III
- Discourse Analysis of Media
- Dissertation
- Dissertation II
- Dissertation project defense
- Dissertation proposal presentation
- Dramaturgical Analysis
- Dramaturgy and Production Practice: Discussion Series for the Theatre of Husa na provázku
- Dramaturgy and Production Practice: Radio R
- Ethnographic Journalism, Media Participation, and Homelessness
- Feature writing
- Focus Groups
- Gun Culture Workshop: The role of Media
- History of Czech media until the end of 18th century
- Intercultural (Mis)Communication: Bridging the Global Divide
- Interrogating Journalism’s Power and Inequalities
- Introduction to media and communication studies
- Introduction to Systematic Literature Review
- Journalism ethics and regulation
- Journalistic practice
- Journalistic technological competence
- Media and (crisis of) democracy
- Media and Cultural Industries
- Media and Society in the 21st Century
- Media effects
- Media history
- Media in the Founding Period of the Communist Regime (ZURb1427, ZURn6226)
- Media Law
- Media literacy
- Media Management Competences
- Media Project
- Media Psychology
- Media representation of marginalized identities
- Methodologies of media and journalism studies
- Methods of journalistic work
- Muncipality communications with citizens (ZURb1425, ZURn6509)
- News writing
- Online journalism
- Online Television
- Outlook pokračující problém
- Participation in research project
- Podcast GenZ
- Political Economy of Media
- Popcultural Milestones of the Movie Industry
- Popularization of science
- Practical rhetoric
- Practice medium
- Presentation at conference
- Presentation at international conference
- Presentation of dissertation project findings
- Presentation skills
- Principles of Crisis Coverage for Journalists
- Production and Dramaturgy of Cultural Events
- Project and Production Internship
- Publications I
- Publications II
- Publications III
- Qualitative Audience Research I
- Radio journalism (bootcamp)
- Radio news
- Reportage
- Research Project
- Rhetoric and public speech
- Seminar 1 BC Thesis
- Seminar BC Thesis II
- Seminar BC thesis III
- Social networks in the news
- Society in a Movie: Dialog and Analysis
- Sociology of media (ZURb1110, ZURb1203)
- Solutions Journalism
- Sound Technology and Creation in Media Practice
- Story writing in journalism
- Survey
- Teaching assistance (ZURd0102, ZURd0106)
- Teaching practice
- Television journalism (bootcamp)
- The basics of professional behavior