Courses taught
Spring 2000 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Camera in news coverage and current affairs
- Camera in news coverage and current affairs (workshop)
- Contemporary Czech Language I
- Creative writing (workshop)
- Current affairs genres in print media (workshop)
- Current problems of media culture
- Desk top publishing I
- Desk top publishing II
- Developmental tendencies in the media
- Essay in print media
- Formulation of media project II
- Hypermedia
- Changes in Czech protectorate journalism
- Chapters from the history of Czech journalism
- Internet and the author (workshop)
- Interview (workshop)
- Interview II
- Introduction to Journalism Ethics
- Introduction to mass communication theory
- Introduction to photography in journalism (workshop)
- Introduction to the history of world journalism
- Journalistic practice
- News coverage in print media (workshop)
- Paradigmatic systems of culture II
- People, Places and Things
- Print media and political parties
- Public Relation
- Publishing
- Qualifying Exam
- Radio commentary (workshop)
- Seminar on BA thesis
- Seminar on MA thesis
- Semiotics in media practice
- Sound media I (workshop), radio news coverage
- STISK I - practice medium
- STISK II - practice medium
- Television and everyday life
- Television current affairs (workshop) (ZUR232, ZUR406)
- Television workshop
- TV (ZUR516, ZUR517)
- Writing BA thesis
Autumn 1999 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Art criticism in print media
- Camera in news coverage and current affairs
- Camera in news coverage and current affairs (workshop)
- Contemporary Czech Language I
- Contemporary Czech Language II - syntax, stylistics
- Craft and backstage
- Craft, professionalism, manipulation (Analysis of media products)
- Creative writing (workshop)
- Culture as product of human communication
- Current problems of media culture
- Desk top publishing
- Desk top publishing II
- Developmental tendencies in the media
- East and West
- Editing and publishing practice
- Formulation of media project I
- Formulation of media project III
- Chapters from the history of Czech journalism I
- Chapters from the history of linguistic thought
- Internet and the author
- Interview (workshop)
- Introduction to communication studies
- Introduction to digital media
- Introduction to media studies + seminar
- Introduction to news reporting in print media
- Introduction to photography in journalism (workshop)
- Journalistic practice
- Mass culture, media and society: critical theory of the mass media
- Mass media and political parties in Czechoslovakia 1918-1948
- Media management
- Media project
- Paradigmatic systems of culture
- Print media and political parties in Czech countries 1860-1918
- Public Relations I
- Public relations officer
- Radio commentary (workshop)
- Radio news coverage (workshop)
- Rhetoric
- Seminar on BA thesis
- Seminar on MA thesis
- Semiotics in media practice
- Sound media II (workshop), radio current affairs
- STISK I - practice medium
- Television current affairs (workshop)
- TV workshop