prof. Steven Saxonberg, Ph.D.
profesor – Katedra sociální politiky a sociální práce
Počet publikací: 123
Analyzing the fight for decency : Combining framing and emotional approaches to social movement theory
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, rok: 2025, DOI
Framing in the Authoritarian Context : Policy Advocacy by Environmental Movement Organisations in China
Social Movement Studies, rok: 2025, ročník: 24, vydání: 1, DOI
Using the Intersectional Approach to Social Policy to Investigate the Adult Worker Model
Social Policy and Society, rok: 2025, DOI
Crisis? What crisis? Social policy when crises are and are not crises in Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia
Social Policy & Administration, rok: 2024, ročník: 58, vydání: 2, DOI
Does Performance Matter? The Influence of Attitudes Towards Welfare State Performance on Voting for Rightwing and Leftwing Populist Parties
Emergency welfare states in action : Social policy adaptations to COVID-19 in the Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia
Social Policy & Administration, rok: 2024, ročník: 58, vydání: 1, DOI
Exploring the Alternatives to the Male-Breadwinner Model – The Implications for Social Policy Study
Social Policy and Society, rok: 2024, ročník: neuveden, vydání: neuveden, DOI
Filling the Demand Gap : The Success of Centrist Entrepreneurial Populism in the Czech Republic
Europe-Asia Studies, rok: 2024, ročník: 76, vydání: 3, DOI
Gender Attitudes in the Third Decade of Post-Communism : Diminishing Space for Precariousness?
Navigating Family Policies in Precarious Times : Examining Diverse Approaches in European Countries, rok: 2024, počet stran: 22 s.
Fear, Anger, Hope, and Pride : Negative and Positive Emotions in Electoral Behaviour
Sociológia, rok: 2023, ročník: 55, vydání: 2, DOI