prof. Steven Saxonberg, Ph.D.
profesor – Katedra sociální politiky a sociální práce
Počet publikací: 123
Gendering Family Policies in Post-Communist Europe
Rok: 2014, počet stran: 292 s.
Introduction: A new look at social movements and civil society in post-communist Russia and Poland
, rok: 2014
Are asymmetrical power relations a hidden obstacle to successful rehabilitation of violent men? An explorative study on the methodology to investigate shame
Aggression and Violent Behavior, rok: 2013, ročník: 18/2013, vydání: 6, DOI
Bezahlte Familienzeiten: Ihre Wirkungen im europäischen Vergleich
Staatshilfe für Eltern. Brauchen wir das Betreuungsgeld?, rok: 2013, počet stran: 12 s.
Beyond NGO-ization, rok: 2013, počet stran: 10 s.
Chapter 7 - What Does the Survey Data Say about How Women Balance Work and Family Life in Brno?
Mothers – Grandmothers – Daughters? Reconciling Labour Market Integration with Care Responsibilities in Brno, rok: 2013, počet stran: 13 s.
Chapter 8: Conclusions and Policy Recommendations
Mothers – Grandmothers – Daughters? Reconciling Labour Market Integration with Care Responsibilities in Brno, rok: 2013, počet stran: 15 s.
Introduction: The Development of Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe
Beyond NGO-ization, vydání: Vyd. 1, rok: 2013, počet stran: 26 s.
Mothers – Grandmothers – Daughters? Reconciling Labour Market Integration with Care Responsibilities in Brno
Rok: 2013, počet stran: 198 s.
Revolutionary Potential under Soviet-Type Regimes: The Role of Emotions in Explaining Transitions and Non-Transitions
Emotions in Politics The Affect Dimension in Political Tension, rok: 2013, počet stran: 24 s.